Autoshipping Referral Sign-up Form

Cardio-C Referral Incentive Program Details

  • New Cardio-C customers who tell us who sponsored them will receive free shipping on their first order.

  • Autoship customers who have referred others into our Cardio-C (Pauling-therapy) autoship program may reduce the cost of their own Cardio-C autoships. The discounts are computed based on the number of active referrals currently on Cardio-C autoship.

One to Five Stars

Sponsors are assigned Stars as recognition of the number of referrals currently on active Cardio-C autoship.
  • One Star* – 1 to 5 active referrals
  • Two Stars** – 6 to 15 active referrals
  • Three Stars*** – 16 to 30 active referrals
  • Four Stars**** – 31 to 60 active referrals
  • Five Stars***** – 61 or more active referrals
The discounts on the Sponsor's cardio-C autoship are based on the number of stars.

Stars Discount

  • One Star* – $2.00
  • Two Stars** – $4.00
  • Three Stars*** – $6.00
  • Four Stars**** – $8.00
  • Five Stars***** – $10.00

FREE SHIPPING: New customers who tell us who sponsored them will receive free shipping on their first order.

Rules and Restrictions

  1. Advertisements are generally not permitted. Contact us before placing any ads.
  2. The incentive program is subject to cancellation or change at any time without notice.
  3. All discounts require both the sponsor and referree to be on automatic shipping of Cardio-C.
  4. Product returns cancel all rewards stars.

We Can Help

If you are an existing customer willing to share your experience, our referral program can make your autoshipping orders eligible for significant discounts.

If you are a new customer looking for information about Linus Pauling's heart therapy, we will put you in touch with one of our existing customers. Note: New customers, please include your mailing address in the form below so we can send you literature.

If you want to be included in the referral program, to be contacted about it, or to get additional information on autoshipping, you must provide at least the information in the required fields. The required fields are marked with *.

Note: (Coming Soon!) Existing autoship customers will also earn Stars based on their number of continuous automatic orders (autoships). See: [Cardio-C Autoship Loyalty Rewards Program]

I'm an existing autoshipping customer who's willing to share my experience with others.
I'm a new customer looking for more information about autoshipping.
Name: *
Customer ID: (existing customers only)
Email: *
City: State: Zip:
Send me the secret Pauling-therapy literature that the FDA doesn't want me to see.

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