"American scientist's invention could prevent 350,000 heart bypass operations a year."
We Know... It Sounds Too Good to be True...
"I think we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of (vitamin C and lysine) ... even cure it." – From Linus Pauling's Last InterviewA natural method for treating, controlling and even "curing" heart disease (below) was invented by the great American scientist Linus Pauling, PhD circa 1989. –No Prescription Required
PaulingTherapy.com – First established in 1996 to bring the Linus Pauling discovery to the public. This web site is an excellent point of entry to begin your journey learning how to reverse heart disease with vitamin C and lysine.
Pauling Therapy Handbook
Pauling Therapy Handbook – Owen Fonorow's Pauling Therapy Handbook (Practicing Medicine without a License) is the story and detailed explanation of what Owen began calling the "Pauling Therapy." The Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath invention reverses the pain of heart disease in days at the dosages Pauling recommended.
Pauling Therapy and Myocarditis – An estimated 13 million Americans have been diagnosed with Myocarditis, ie. heart inflammation caused by the COVID spike protein. Myocarditis was virtually nonexistent prior to the COVID pandemic. Owen feels that Linus Pauling's therapy is not only protective, but can reverse the shot-induced heart condition. The evidence is being collected at this link.
A New Look at Atherosclerosis – Clinicians are now able to prevent and reverse coronary artery disease using non-invasive, inexpensive and non-toxic interventions, while monitoring progress serially in an inexpensive, non-invasive, non-toxic manner. This results in a reduction of heart attack and stroke by 98 percent, not to mention the many other complications of atherosclerosis.
VitaminCCures.com – Our newest web site on vitamin C cures for disease. This site also provides Owen Fonorow's second book, The Great Suppression, for FREE - chapter by chapter.
Correspondence –
From former heart patients who read Owen's books and web sites and then followed Linus Pauling's advice.
Podcast –
Vitamin C and Cardio-C related excerpts from audio podcasts hosted by Jared Rand.
Attention former heart patients:
us your story,
and we'll send you a free signed copy of Owen's book on your next Cardio-C order.
Protocol – From Owen's first book on the Linus Pauling heart therapy (Owen's entire book is now available electronically on Amazon kindle.)
Interactive forum – Where Linus Pauling's therapy is discussed in "real time" as patients new to the therapy ask questions.
Vitamin C Foundation
VitaminCFoundation.org – This non-profit foundation provides information and promotes civic action. Please consider signing our Petition to reign in the power of the FDA (aka Federal Death Administration.)
Cardio-C Referral Program
Referral – Get in touch with former heart patients and learn from them about what Pauling's therapy can do for you. Refer others and save money on official Pauling therapy supplements.
Attention former heart patients:
us your story, and we'll send you a free signed copy of Owen's book on your next Cardio-C order.
Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc.
VITAMINC.FOUNDATION – Owen's vitamin C company - a business which sells the World's finest vitamin C, and which helps fund all of the above. Visit CARDIO-C.COM to order Pauling Heart-Therapy products online.
Tower Laboratories Corp
HeartTechnology.com – The original Pauling Therapy as described in Owen's book Practicing Medicine without a License. Tower Labs was the first company to develop and offer high dose vitamin C and lysine Pauling Therapy products circa 1996. Owen Fonorow designed several of Tower's products.
Owen Fonorow's Media Interviews
Media Interviews – Recorded interviews with Owen discussing Vitamin C and his book – Practicing Medicine Without A License.
Linus Pauling
Linus Pauling Unified Theory of Heart Disease Lecture
(circa 1992) – Part 1
Linus Pauling Unified Theory of Heart Disease Lecture
(circa 1992) – Part 2
Pauling's Vitamin C and Lysine Recommendations for Heart
Disease (circa 1992)
Dr. Linus Pauling on Vitamin C and Heart Disease Stanford
Medical School (02/27/1992)
Final Option
Coronavirus COVID-19
COVID-19 News – This page contains articles and press releases on Vitamin C and the COVID-19 virus.
Contact Information
Heartcure.info(™) is a trademark of Owen Fonorow.
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Web Sites Owned and Maintained by Owen Fonorow:
Ads for Cardio-C XL and Cardio-C XM:
24W500 Maple Avenue, Suite 107
Naperville IL 60540
1+312-888-5117 (Everywhere)
Copyright © 2017-2025 – INTELIGENT*Vitamin*C Inc. – IVC-store.com